Should I Wait To Buy – Podcast

Should I Wait To Buy – Podcast
Transcript Intro
In this episode, Rob and Adrian talk about the important question – Should I Wait To Buy? They share some insight to help you make that important decision. Tune-in and let us know what you think! With over 25 + years of experience as licensed real estate professionals, and a long track record of winning for their clients, Rob and Adrian will teach you what it takes to be an everyday real estate millionaire. Don’t forget to subscribe, rate, and review!
Rob & Adrian
Welcome back to future everyday real estate millionaires. I’m Adrian Schermer here with my Co-host Rob Delavan. Today we’re going to begin chewing into a topic we see quite a bit, as we tend to enter summer, and prices tend to tip up a bit in the warmer months. So, it’s really amplifying this problem that many persons are having. So, Rob, I’m going to pass this off to you as you’re more of the expert in this area. Many people are saying, ‘hey, is this a bubble we’re seeing or?’ Or B. Is there some truth to an idea that some people kick around “Should I wait to buy a house?’ “Are there dips?” “Should I wait for them to happen, so I’m one of the persons that buys low and sells high?”
Right – So there’s a couple of concepts there. And good morning also to our gigantic audience. The concept of the Bubble piece, we’ve specifically had this conversation during reviewing the Affordability index, and I truly believe that this concept has to do with the relationship with what rents versus what the monthly payments are. Audience for a deep-dive into that, you can search the podcast about the Affordability Index:
That’s one of my favorite episodes. There’s just TONS of information there.
Yes, we should probably revisit that sooner than later because we get asked for that information ALL the time…
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