Home Loan 101 – Getting Started and Pre-Approval

Home Loan 101 – Getting Started and Pre-Approval
Transcript Intro
In this episode, Rob and Adrian talk about Home Loan 101 – Getting Started and Pre-Approval. Rob and Adrian are going to talk about all things home loans when it comes to starting the process. What it looks like to talk to a lender, finding a realtor, and a pre-approval letter. This episode has tons of value to help you if you are thinking of starting the process of buying a home. Tune-in and let us know what you think. With over 25 + years of experience as licensed real estate professionals, and a long track record of winning for their clients, Rob and Adrian will teach you what it takes to be an everyday real estate millionaire. Don’t forget to subscribe, rate, and review!
Rob & Adrian
Hi, future millionaires. Welcome back to the Get Rich Slow podcast. I’m your Co-host Adrian Schermer here with Co-host Rob Delavan. Good morning, Rob. How are you doing today?
Wonderful. Thank you.
Today we’re going to talk about something near and dear to my heart (chuckle). I can’t believe it’s taken this long but let’s talk about home lending from a core novice perspective, and then let’s work our way into the more complicated stuff. We’ve talked a lot about everything – Vacation rentals, how to leverage equity in your house, but let’s get down to the basics.
So, this is a fun one for me because we run this ALL the time. And what generally happens is, people generally come to a realtor first, and then I’m referring, or my team is referring to Adrian for lending. The reason we’re doing that is because yes, we could go out and show you 20 homes, based on Homesnap or Realtor.com, and there’s a whole bunch of others. And of course, you’ve been window shopping, “Ooh I like this it’s $400,000” “I like this house it’s $550,000. As the realtor, we’re like, we’re not going to take you to see $400,000 homes if your taste is $550,000, and that’s what you need for your family, but we’re also not going to look at $550,000 if you’re only qualified for $400,000. So, enter stage left, Mr. Schermer.
And that’s when we say, you have to talk with a lender that #1 we trust, we’ve talked about that in other episodes, but let’s assume that all professionals are top-notch in their fields. Well, basically we trust Adrian to do his thing. What we want is a pre-approval letter. What the pre-approval letter is, is actually a product that says you’re approved for a loan up to X amount. What really goes into that pre-approval letter, is what we wanted to talk about today. It all comes back to the why/what. What kind of income do you make? What can you afford? There is a box we have to put the client into. So, start us there. Adrian, I’ve referred you a client and you’re going to do your typical new client introduction/presentation. So, start us down that process…
Learn more – https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/home-loan-101-getting-started-and-pre-approval/id1558292234?i=1000534721483