Programs For Student Loan Forgiveness

Programs for Student Forgiveness
Transcript Intro
In this episode, Rob and Adrian talk about some important information EVERY graduate should know – What Programs for Student Forgiveness can I use? They share some insights to help you make that important decision. Tune-in and let us know what you think. With over 25 + years of experience as licensed real estate professionals, and a long track record of winning for their clients, Rob and Adrian will teach you what it takes to be an everyday real estate millionaire. Don’t forget to subscribe, rate, and review!
Rob & Adrian
Hi, future millionaires. Welcome back to the Get Rich Slow podcast. I’m Adrian Schermer here with my Co-host Rob Delavan and today we’re going to talk about student loans and most importantly the programs that have been created to forgive this debt. As you might have heard, a penny saved is a penny earned, while a penny forgiven is just as good.
Yes, I agree. Good morning. Specifically, is one of the places you can go to. There’s a bunch more but this one is called a Public Service Loan Forgiveness; PSLF is the acronym that you’ll type into Google and and you’ll get there. But before we go there, let’s back up a little bit and set the table for this conversation about this particular lifehack product – issue.
So, you were talking a friend of yours that got a degree in law.
Yes, she’s highly intelligent and very well-read and she chose, with all the things you can do with a law degree, to go into the non-profit sector.
So, let’s hear some more details. And what is her age roughly?
She’s in her early thirties.
Okay, she she probably went to school and probably took 3 years after the Bachelor’s – give or take?
Yeah, yeah it’s a haul with not a small amount of debt. She even, I want to expand on this in a different episode, even loaded some of the debt onto her credit cards. Some of the costs and expenses to try to trim down on student loans. Thinking that would give her the best pathway and now she’s sitting on about $100,000 in debt.
Which is actually not bad because I have a friend, that’s in that same career path, and his was well over $300,000. So, one of the things we’ll talk about, with these loan forgiveness programs, is racking up charges on a credit card versus actually doing it on the student loan side…
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