Begin with the End In Mind with Bob Farnes

Begin with the End In Mind with Bob Farnes
In this episode, Rob and Adrian talk with Bob Farnes, a Consultant in the financial industry, about the importance of beginning your financial planning with the end in mind. Let us know what you think! With over 25 + years of experience as licensed real estate professionals, and a long track record of winning for their clients, Rob and Adrian will teach you what it takes to be an everyday real estate millionaire. Don’t forget to subscribe, rate, and review!
Rob, Adrian, Lance, Bob
Adrian Hello and welcome back to the Get Rich Slow Podcast. Today I’m here with Robert Delavan, Lance Johnson, and our guest, Bob Farnes. Hi, how’s everyone today?
Rob Good. Good morning.
Lance Good
Adrian Today we’re going to “Begin with the end in mind,” and take a little trip down memory lane with Lance and more importantly talk with Bob here that’s known Lance for three decades? I’ll put a date on your guys – since you were 12.
You guys have been working on All Things Financial. Bob is a financially independent former advisor who is now a consultant in the financial industry. It sounds like you do a lot of interesting and amazing stuff.
Bob Yeah, I really do. I have the pleasure of working with persons that really know where they want to go in the future. I get to help them and it makes for a very satisfying lifestyle.
Adrian Awesome
Rob Awesome. I’m going to jump in. We have a number of questions for you guys. The goal of this podcast is to dig into Lance Johnson a bit here and where’s he’s been. And there’s no better place to do that with than with Bob whose known him for a better part of 3 decades. I believe one of the comments you said is something to the effect that, you knew Lance back when he had hair. (Laughter)
Bob Yeah, a long, long time ago.
Rob So, there you go. We’re just going to interview Bob. Bob as usual, Adrian, Lance and I are just going to dig in and ask questions and pretend we don’t know anything much. Let’s just jump in.
So, give me brief history. As you were you friends first and transitioned into colleagues, and so on…
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